LG has launched the LG SIGNATURE OLED T, a groundbreaking transparent 4K OLED TV that is set to redefine home entertainment. Debuting at CES 2024, this innovative display offers a unique viewing experience by seamlessly blending the on-screen visuals with the surrounding environment. Pre-orders have begun on the LG website with a starting price of $59,999.99. This 77-inch marvel represents a significant advancement in television technology, offering both transparent and opaque display modes.
The LG SIGNATURE OLED T, a true wireless 4K OLED TV, is set for a global launch starting in the U.S. this December. This device received five CES 2024 Innovation Awards, including a Best of Innovation honor, and earned a spot on TIME’s Best Inventions 2024 list. The ability to switch between transparent and opaque modes gives users unprecedented control over their viewing experience and the ambiance of their living space.
One of the most striking features of this 4K OLED TV is its transparent mode. This setting creates the illusion of images floating in mid-air, blending the on-screen content with the background. When the TV is turned off, only a thin frame remains visible, contributing to a minimalist aesthetic. This design allows the TV to blend seamlessly into any room without obstructing views or natural light.
LG has also introduced several features that take advantage of the transparent nature of this 4K OLED TV. T-Objet, an always-on display (AOD) mode, transforms the screen into a digital canvas. This mode allows users to display artwork, photos or videos with the vibrant colors and exceptional clarity expected from OLED technology. “LG SIGNATURE OLED T is an exceptional user-focused innovation that offers a distinctive, multi-faceted viewing experience and unprecedented spatial flexibility,” said Park Hyoung-sei, President of LG Media Entertainment Solution Company.
The T-Bar mode provides a subtle information ticker at the bottom of the screen. This ticker can display weather forecasts, sports scores and even song titles while the rest of the screen remains transparent. This feature provides quick access to important information without obstructing the view. T-Home provides a user-friendly interface to access applications, settings and other services.
Unlike traditional TVs, the LG SIGNATURE OLED T enhances the sense of space in a room. Its transparency allows it to be placed in a central location without creating a visual barrier. It can even be placed in front of windows without blocking natural light or outdoor views.
A key aspect of this 4K OLED TV is its wireless connectivity. LG’s proprietary technology enables lossless video and audio transmission with no noticeable latency. This eliminates cable clutter, enhancing the clean aesthetic of the set and providing a truly immersive viewing experience. The Zero Connect Box, LG’s wireless transmission solution, supports 4K at 120Hz variable refresh rate. It is NVIDIA G-SYNC compatible and AMD FreeSync Premium certified, ensuring a smooth gaming experience with no tearing or stuttering.
The LG SIGNATURE OLED T represents the culmination of LG’s decade-long commitment to OLED innovation. The α (Alpha) 11 AI processor intelligently optimizes picture and sound quality to deliver a premium viewing experience. “LG continues to be at the forefront of innovation by combining its industry-leading OLED technology with unique form factors, transparent screens, wireless connectivity and more, delivering unprecedented, life-enhancing advancements that no other TV manufacturer can match,” added Park Hyoung-sei.
This 4K OLED TV offers a unique blend of technology and design. Its transparent display, wireless connectivity, and intelligent features create an unparalleled viewing experience that blends on-screen content with the surrounding environment. With features like T-Objet and T-Bar, the TV offers both entertainment and practical functionality. Wireless connectivity and premium picture quality further enhance the user experience. This 4K OLED TV is a premium product for those who want the latest in home entertainment technology.