The latest collaboration between H&M and Indian designer Anamika Khanna marks a special milestone for H&M, as it celebrates 20 years since its first designer collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld in 2004. Over the years, H&M has broken boundaries and pushed the envelope with its collaborations, working with renowned designers such as Alexander Wang, Diane von Furstenberg, and Stella McCartney.
Anamika Khanna, known for her stunning wedding-wear designs, has brought a fresh perspective to her H&M collection, reimagining traditional cuts such as kurta pajamas, caftans, and lungi skirts with comfort and glamour in mind. The collection, which includes menswear, womenswear, and accessories, features prints, embroidery, and easy silhouettes, with an emphasis on the midriff, a nod to Indian heritage.
What sets this collaboration apart is the blend of Indian design with international flair, making it a unique and exciting offering for fashion enthusiasts. Ann-Sofie Johansson, head of design for H&M, praises Khanna’s ability to mix feminine and masculine codes, creating something entirely new and original.
The collection, which took 15 months to develop, is a testament to the power of collaboration and the importance of “the edit” in bringing together the right factors to create a cohesive and stylish collection. The result is a collection that is both timeless and trendy, with a focus on sustainability, practicality, and affordability. The menswear pieces, in particular, offer a refreshing take on traditional Indian designs, with a modern twist.