Industrial giant Yanmar has appointed renowned anime producer Masuo Ueda to helm their ambitious new project 未ル (Miru): Paths To My Future, set to premiere in Japan in early 2025. The five-episode series marks an unexpected foray into animation for Yanmar, known more for construction equipment than creative storytelling. But in Miru, Yanmar aims to depict an epic adventure in a world where humans and robots coexist, all while promoting their corporate philosophy of “HANASAKA” – a belief in human potential and the power of taking on new challenges.
The series’ protagonist is a weaponless robot, designed by Yanmar’s own team, who travels through time to help humans overcome immense obstacles and guide society toward a brighter future. Named MIRU, this evolved android represents Yanmar’s vision of “confrontation and harmony between humans and nature“, assisting people peacefully rather than through force. As MIRU interacts with struggling humans across eras and even parallel worlds, the robot grows and sets off a “butterfly effect” of positive change.
Bringing this unique concept to life is industry veteran Masuo Ueda, whose credits include landmark titles like Mobile Suit Gundam, City Hunter, and InuYasha. Ueda admits he was stunned when first approached about a robot anime by Yanmar of all companies. “It was like being hit on the head with a hammer,” he recalls. But the project’s unconventional nature and the passion of the Yanmar team soon won him over. Now at the helm as executive producer, the 68-year-old Ueda says he’s “deeply engrossed” in what may be his anime swan song.
Supporting Ueda is an all-star team of five innovative studios who will each bring their own creative flair to Miru‘s five episodes. The variety of visuals promises to enhance the series’ theme of change and new beginnings. With Yanmar’s resources and such proven talent on board, Miru has the potential to be a standout original anime with an impactful message: “The future is in our hands.”
While details on global distribution are still to come, Miru has already generated buzz as a passion project with purpose from an unlikely source. For a company so grounded in heavy industry to branch out into imaginative sci-fi storytelling is indeed a bold new challenge. But in doing so, Yanmar hopes to inspire viewers to shape a brighter world, one small step at a time – embodying the HANASAKA spirit both on and off the screen.